Saturday, October 11, 2008

Strengthen US

OcTOber 11

Preserve us, O most holy LORD God,
from the cares of this life, that our feet be not entangled by them;
and deliver us from spiritual hindrances and temptations, that we be not wearied and cast down;
let not the world and the things of the world deceive us:
keep us from the power and malice of the devil.

Rather than all this world's allurements, give us the blessed unction of Thy Holy Spirit;
and drive from our hearts the love of worldly things,
by pouring into them the love of Thy holy name.

Confirm us in Thy ways, O Lord, by the grace of Thy Holy Spirit.
Strengthen us with might so that no trouble or temptation may draw us away from Thee.

-Thomas A Kempis -