Monday, November 10, 2008

Does truth still work?

When I attended a Christian college back in the Paleolithic Era, one of the key maxims that was drummed into our shaggy heads was this:
All truth is God’s truth. In other words, anything that is true and dependable is from God. God is truth, and therefore the essence of what is factual and knowable and truthful stems from Him alone.

For instance, marriage is a foundation of society because God originated it in Genesis between a man and a woman. Later, Jesus honored it with His presence at a wedding. Clearly, God presents marriage as a basic bulding block of a righteous society. Marriage is good because God says it is.

Or this: Lying is wrong. God included this teaching in codification of His rules in Exodus 20. And He repeatedly had Scripture writers tell us that lying is wrong. God says lying is wrong, so there is no question that it is.

Some people think this kind of thinking doesn’t work anymore. Postmodernists refuse to consider something to be true just because God said it is. They want truth to be whatever a person finds truth to be.

If you tell a lie and it gets you a promotion, and no one finds out, then it’s okay – if worked. If you can get your accountant to cheat on your audit – and the authorities don’t find out – you’ve earned some extramoney.

It doesn’t take a degree in philosophy to recognize that this create-your-own-truth world is a dangerous place. No set boundaries, no moral restrictions, and no basis for an organized society. And most dangerous of all-no need of God.

Look for the truth. It’s another way of seeing that God is there, and He is at work in the world.

-Dave Branon- [taken from ODJ 2008]

Read Psalm 40:9~12
Let Your unfailing love and faithfulness always protect me (v.11)

Teach me Your ways, O Lord, that I may live according to Your truth! Grant me purity of heart, so that I may honor You. - Psalm 86:11 –